From the Slopes:  Lessons in Resiliency

From the Slopes: Lessons in Resiliency

 A modified version of this article has been featured on My family just had our second annual Tahoe ski trip filled with laughter and magical moments. Yet we also had our share of unexpected challenges.  We made conscious choices to not let the...

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Living Your Vision

Living Your Vision

  Vision:  1.  the power of seeing   2. something seen in a dream or trance   3. a mental image   4. the ability to perceive or foresee something, as through mental acuteness   5. something or someone of great beauty Like many, I have been enjoying this year's...

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Now You’re Speaking My Language

Now You’re Speaking My Language

Like many people, you may have experienced frustration when you work with or try to influence another.  These difficulties often arise because every person brings a unique perspective or point of view. Our unique view of the world has been shaped by our upbringing,...

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Encourage From The Heart

Encourage From The Heart

"Courage.  Encourage.  Two words, same origin.  Heart.  You gotta have heart... there is no bravery or boldness without heart.  There's no spirit or support without heart.  There's no sacrifice or soul without heart.   Nothing great ever gets done without heart.  You...

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Vulnerability: True Test of Courage

"Vulnerability is not a weakness, it is emotional risk, exposure, uncertainty ... it is the true test of courage" ~ Brené Brown, Ph.D., Author Daring Greatly Last year I set the intention to expand my business and become more visible in my work.  To reach people I did...

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All of Me

  Yesterday as I was walking my 8 year old daughter to school she asked, “which do you like better the silly me or the regular me?”  What an interesting and insightful question to even recognize that there are various aspects to an individual.  Although as her...

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