5 Ways to Overcome Failure

5 Ways to Overcome Failure

“I’m convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance” ~ Steve Jobs What differentiates good from great is tenacity and persistence. When you fall down, it is the will to get back up that matters....

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Developing Your Personal Power

Developing Your Personal Power

When we lead from a place of self-acceptance, honesty, and trust, we inspire others to do the same. As we free ourselves from self-doubt and actions which sabotage our success, we then become open to the many possibilities that exist all around us.  Don Miguel Ruiz,...

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Think Before You Speak

Think Before You Speak

“Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another” ~Napoleon Hill As we sat around the dinner table, each family member recounting the “best learning of the day”, my 1st grade daughter...

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What Makes A Leader Exceptional?

What Makes A Leader Exceptional?

What elevates a good leader to one who is exceptional?   Have you ever noticed that certain leaders have the ability to create environments where people are self-motivated, highly engaged, passionate about their work, AND achieve desired results? In my twenty...

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How To Avoid Email Overuse

How To Avoid Email Overuse

There is no doubt that we have all become accustomed to using email, texts, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other forms of electronic media to converse. It’s quick. It’s efficient. It’s direct. A study conducted by the Radicati Group, a market research firm, predicts...

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Punctuate the Positive!

Punctuate the Positive!

A modified version of this article has been featured on Picture this… A classroom filled with thirty 4th grade students. The room is quiet. All you can hear is the movement of pencil to paper. It is clear that every child is not only dedicated, but...

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5 Ways To Turn Your Resolution Into Reality

5 Ways To Turn Your Resolution Into Reality

  "If you are working on something exciting that you really care about you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you." ~Steve Jobs Today I Googled "New Year's Resolutions" and over 77 million search results appeared.  During the course of my coaching...

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Power of Positivity:  Lessons from the Buckeyes

Power of Positivity: Lessons from the Buckeyes

They called you lucky. They called you undeserving. They called your confidence weak and you team untested. They called the other teams a dynasty, the favorite, unbeatable. They called your raking disputable and surprising. They called you a fourth seed, if that. They...

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