I recently had the opportunity to hear Kerri Walsh Jennings, three-time beach volleyball Olympic gold medalist, speak on what it takes to be a champion. What struck me beyond her physical feat, which so few are able to achieve, was her mental and spiritual posture that has led her to where she is today. Gaining strength from the barriers in life –  Recognizing that every individual has the capacity to write their own story – Fully stepping into whatever it is that makes your heart sing. Kerri’s presentation allowed me to reflect on what it takes to become a champion in whatever you pursue. Below are some techniques inspired by Kerri and other champions that have achieved what some might have thought impossible.


We all take up space on this planet. Each and every one of us has the opportunity to determine how we will use our space. It is our work to recognize how to best use our talents and gifts so that we can give to others and also create fulfillment for ourselves. When you fully step into your purpose, you are then able to have the greatest impact and achieve goals never before thought possible.


If you don’t push yourself beyond your comfort zone striving to achieve your goal — whether it be in a physical activity, a career, a relationship or any area in which you have a dream — you may be limiting yourself from your full capacity.  And when you do stretch to these places of discomfort, you are bound to stumble along the way.  In one of my previous blogs titled Vulnerability: True Test of Courage, I talk about how great inventors and thought-leaders would not have achieved their dreams had they not allowed themselves to be vulnerable.  Pushing limits, testing potential, and often falling down. As Michael Jordan once said “I have failed over and over and over in my life, and that is why I succeed.”


If you have ever been told by yourself or others that you are not good enough, don’t have what it takes, or don’t deserve to have it  – erase those messages. Many people do not achieve their goals because they convince themselves they can’t do it. Sadly, we far too often tell ourselves negative stories that just aren’t true.  Yet we use these stories to create our life. When we instead open ourselves up to the possibilities, and create stories that support our dreams, we may just find that it is possible for them to come true.


I’m sure at one point or another you have heard the importance of setting goals. As Yogi Berra said “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”  When we have clarity in our vision, we are much more likely to achieve it.  I recently read The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity in which the author, Edwene Gaines, outlines a goal setting process that goes beyond identifying goals.  She suggests that you also identify changes you may need to make to achieve your goals.  There may be something you’re doing or thinking that has become a barrier.  In addition, Edwene takes it one step further (this is the part I love about her process) – you act as if you have already achieved your goals.

When you begin to act with confidence and accept your success right now, you bring a different energy into the goal.  In fact, Kerri is doing this right now —  once again going for the gold in the 2016 Rio Olympics.

So I ask you — Are you setting yourself up to win the gold?  And what could you be doing to better support your efforts?